
In this module, you’ll practice using the dent light and learn to find your tool tip in various-sized circles.

Items Needed

To get started, you’ll need the following materials:

  • Hood Stand 
  • Dent Light
  •  Automobile Hood
  • Bungee Cords/Ratchet Straps
  • China Marker or Equivalent
  • S-Hook or Panel Lever
  • Dent Hammer and Knock Down
  • Dent Rod


For this exercise, we’re going to start out in a clean, dent-free area of your practice hood. Draw 5 parallel lines 6” long with a 2” gap in between the lines, and then place the dent light reflection ½” – 1” above of the top line. With eye and head movement, scan up and down seeing the lines individually in the fade of the light 10 times. Repeat this scanning exercise 5 times pausing for 2 minutes in between sets.

Lee will walk you through this exercise in more detail in the following video. 

Part 1
Practice with large circles
Part 1
Step 1
Prepare the hood

First, assemble the hood stand according to the instructions supplied with the stand. Set the hood on the stand and secure to hood stand using bungee cords/ratchet straps at all four corners to prevent movement.

Next, clean or polish the hood so that the practice surface is free of dirt and dust. Attach the dent light to the front of the hood attached to the hood stand with the light head in a horizontal position so the light reflects a horizontal beam on to the hood.

Step 1
Step 2
Draw circles and adjust light

Using your China Marker, make 3 soda can size circles on a horizontal line, two to three inches apart from each other. Now, as described before, adjust the position of the light reflection on the hood, ½” above the circles.

Step 2
Step 3
Create leverage

Secure your suction cup “Panel Lever” to the edge of the top surface of the hood, in line with the location of the circles. Or, while looking at the underside of the hood you should find several openings along the braces. Locate an opening that is directly in line with the circles at the rear of the hood; place the S-Hook inside one of the openings. The S-hook or the Panel Lever will be your source of leverage while working on this exercise.

Step 3
Step 4
Select and position rod

Choose a dent rod based on the distance of the exercise to where you are. When making your choice always keep in mind everything we do is about leverage. Make sure you select a rod that is long enough, where at least 50% of the rod is between you and the leverage point. Do not allow more rod length between the dent and the leverage point.

Next, position yourself behind the hood and place your dent rod through the hook. Lean over toward the hood and position your head and eyes so that the circles rest on the bottom edge of the reflection closest you.

Step 4
Step 5
Drag/walk tool

Now, you will begin dragging/walking the tool from either the left side or the right side of the circle toward the center, until you are comfortable seeing the tool tip move and the position you have it in, inside the circle.

Do this 10-15 times or until you are comfortable working with the S-hook and dent rod set up. Remember, the aluminum foil we used to illustrate the point earlier? Following the same principles, you can now detect the tool's exact location on the underside of the panel.

The amount of pressure you will exert on the tool will depend on the type of hood you are working with, so that the trailing of the tool is visible. Test the panel first with very light, slow pushes. It is much easier to increase your pressure if pushing too soft, than to pull back if you’re pushing too hard.

Do not get frustrated when you miss, because you will! With time, your accuracy will improve rapidly.

Step 5
Part 2
Practice with small circles
Part 2
Step 1
Draw circles

Continue with the light in the same location as Part 1.

Using your China Marker, make 3-quarter size circles on a horizontal line, 1-2 inches apart from each other just like in Part 1. The S-hook or the Panel Lever will be your source of leverage while working on this exercise.

Step 1
Step 2
Select and position rod

You will choose the dent rod based on the distance of the exercise from you. When making your choice, always keep in mind everything we do is about leverage.

Now, position yourself behind the hood and place your dent rod through the hook. Lean over toward the hood and position your head and eyes so that the circles rest on the bottom edge of the reflection closest to you.

Step 2
Step 3
Drag/walk tool toward center

This time you will begin dragging/walking the tool into a much smaller area. Just like before, begin on either side of the circle moving your tool toward the center.

Step 3
Step 4
Make high spot

Once you are comfortable with seeing where your tool is inside the circle, make 1 very light/shallow high spot by pushing inside the circle with just enough pressure to create the high spots in each circle.

Step 4
Part 3
Practice with dots
Part 3
Step 1
Draw circles

Continue with the light in the same location as Part 1.

Now that you have made a high spot in each of your 3 quarter sized circles, we can move forward to the smallest circle in this exercise. Using your China Marker, make 3 pea size circles on a horizontal line an inch or 2 apart from each other.

Step 1
Step 2
Select and position rod

Just like in Part 1 and 2, the S-hook or the Panel Lever will be your source of leverage while working on this exercise. Remember to choose the dent rod based on the distance of the circle exercise from you.

Position yourself behind the hood and place your dent rod through the hook. Lean over toward the hood and position your head and eyes so that the circles rest on the bottom edge of the reflection closest to you.

Step 2
Step 3
Make high spots

Next, duplicate the previous step with 1 high spot dead center of these small circles and again save the high spots you just made for the next exercise.

These exercises are excellent practice to get you use to finding your tool tip and creating the correct amount of pressure needed to move the metal. If you are having trouble maneuvering your tool into the circles, duplicate these exercises as needed. The more you practice the better you’ll get!

Step 3
Part 4
Practice with dots
Part 4
Step 1
Draw circles

Continue with the light in the same location as Part 1.

Now that you have made 3 high spots in each of your 3 pea sized circles, we can move forward to the most accurate part of this exercise. Using your China Marker, make 2 parallel rows of 6 dots, each dot separated by approximately an inch. This will give you a total of 12 dots.

Step 1
Step 2
Select and position rod

Just as you did in Part 1 thru 3, the S-hook or the Panel Lever will be your source of leverage while working on this exercise.

Again, choose based on distance away from you, the dent rod you will be using. Within your choice keep in mind leverage. Make sure you select a rod that is long enough that at least half of the rod is between you and the leverage point.

Position yourself behind the hood and place your dent rod through the hook. Lean over toward the hood and position your head and eyes so that the circles rest on bottom edge of the reflection closest to you.

Step 2
Step 3
Drag/walk tool and make high spots

You will again Drag or Walk your tool tip from the side, as before. Position the tool tip as close to dead center, under the dot. With an appropriate amount of pressure, push the dot up into a small high spot, always being careful not to over push and crack the paint.

Step 3

This exercise is very difficult to master so don’t get frustrated and don’t give up. Take a break when necessary. Work slow and steady, do not push fast. There is no rush!

Now that we’ve taken a look at the basics of using your dent light and finding your tool tip, let’s take a moment for another word from Todd! No matter the profession, everyone starts somewhere. It’s important to appreciate your beginnings. This brief video provides an inside look at a typical PDR garage and lab– the starting point for every PDF professional!

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